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How to make sure your move suits your family

17 Jan 2022
One of the reasons for a swing towards living in lifestyle estates and sectional title schemes is more peace-of-mind as regards children's safety

Essential questions to ask before you start your home search

08 Dec 2021
Home prices are rising and there is a shortage of stock now in many areas - but that doesn't mean you should get panicked into buying a home that isn't right

Get a good CMA and speed up your home sale

01 Dec 2021
There is a growing belief among home buyers that they should never offer the full asking price on a property

Five ways to get ahead of other buyers and secure your ideal home

17 Nov 2021
There has been such a surge in home buying since the second half of 2020 that there is now actually a shortage of homes for sale

What you need to know before you buy a stand

10 Nov 2021
The accelerated switch to remote working over the past two years and the resulting "great migration"

Check how far your rent stretches - before you sign a lease

02 Nov 2021
Even when they have a written lease, tenants are often uncertain about what their monthly rent actually includes

10 ways homeowners can use their tax refund to save money

18 Oct 2021
It's tax season - and for many consumers, the time of year when they hope for a refund from the SA Revenue Service that will give their budgets a Summer boost.

Don't let tenants scare off your buyers

26 Aug 2021
Times have been tough for rental property owners for the past 18 months, and with the ongoing strong demand for property, especially among first-time buyers, ma

If you own a home, you should have bond insurance

06 Aug 2021
When you buy a new home, the bank will usually insist that you obtain a home owners' insurance (HOC) policy to provide for the repair or replacement of the prop

Make sure you're getting a real 'bargain' and not a money-pit

28 Jul 2021
Right now, there are lot of homeowners looking to sell their homes as fast as possible - either to get out of a financial squeeze or because they urgently want
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