Make sure you work with a negoti-agent

One of the most important services an estate agent can provide is to "save" a property deal that would fall through if the seller and buyer were left to their own devices.

And an agent who is really skilled in the art of negotiation will know how to do this even in circumstances that would make most others write the whole process off as "too hard" or "not worth the effort".

Consequently, home sellers should always make sure they are working with a "negoti-agent" who has this ability in abundance, and who is really driven to bridge any gaps between them and potential buyers. 

There are many ways to do this, including pro-actively using comparative market analyses to bring the two parties closer together on price, or perhaps getting either buyer or seller to strengthen a deal by making a concession on an issue other than price, such as the occupation date. 

There are many other examples but suffice it to say that helping buyers and sellers to reach equitable and mutually-satisfactory agreements, despite their initial differences, is one of the most valuable elements of the service that RealNet agents provide. This is summed up in our slogan "We make it happen".

Sadly, however, the ability to be a act as a trusted intermediary to find solutions that benefit both parties and keep a sale on track is not a skill to be found in every agent's repertoire - which is why sellers need to be so  careful in their selection of agent." 

06 Apr 2019
Author RealNet
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