Agents and all staff at our offices have to keep their face-masks on and maintain their social distancing while working
Agents and all staff at our offices have to keep their face-masks on and maintain their social distancing while working
Agents, staff and visitors to our offices are required to register and have their temperature taken before entering
Agents, staff and visitors to our offices are required to register and have their temperature taken before entering
Face-masks, disposable gloves and hand sanitizer are compulsory for everyone during a home viewing, in compliance with the Level 3 disaster management regulations
Face-masks, disposable gloves and hand sanitizer are compulsory for everyone during a home viewing, in compliance with the Level 3 disaster management regulations

We are doing real estate the realSAFE way

Since 1 June, when SA moved to Level 3 of the national response to the COVID-19 virus pandemic, we have been able to re-open our offices for business and conduct "live" home viewings with potential buyers and tenants. Which is great, because our industry is a major contributor to the economy and job creation and we can now play our part to help the country get back to work.


However, we are definitely not doing "business as usual". Our absolute priority is the health and safety of our clients and staff, and as a result we are following very strict sanitizing and social distancing protocols, and will be doing so until all danger of Covid-19 infection has passed or an effective vaccine is ready - however long that may take.


Consequently, clients visiting our offices (see photos) can expect to find the following measures in place:

  • Temperature screening before entry for agents, staff and visitors;
  • No entry for anyone without a face mask;
  • Hand sanitizing station at the entrance;
  • Measures to maintain social distancing of at least 1,5m between those working in the office as well as between visitors;
  • A reduced number of people in the building at any one time.


We are also encouraging agents and staff to continue to work remotely (from home) as much as they can and come into the office only if necessary, so if you need to meet with a specific agent on our premises, it is best to call ahead and check if they are in or to set up a firm appointment.


In line with the Level 3 national disaster management regulations, open show-days are also off the table for now, and home viewings are being conducted by appointment only, and with a maximum of two adults at a time. Clients present at a viewing can expect the following:


  • Compulsory declarations to be signed by visitors and owners that they have not been in contact with a known COVID-19 patient, and have not been unwell themselves or self-isolating in the 14 days prior to the viewing;
  • Temperature screening before entry;
  • No entry for anyone without a face mask;
  • Compulsory hand sanitizing for agent and all visitors and disposable gloves to be worn;
  • Only a single agent and no more than two others (over 16) allowed to enter the property at one time;
  • Property owners to wait outside during viewing if possible or maintain strict social distancing from any visitors;
  • No physical contact of any kind allowed;
  • No use of bathroom facilities at the property by agent or visitors;
  • Visitors to please refrain from touching surfaces and doorknobs at the property;
  • Any surfaces accidentally touched to immediately be sanitized by the agent; and
  • Viewings to be kept to an hour, or less if possible, and to be spaced out to minimize the risk of any contact between attendees.


11 Jun 2020
Author RealNet
641 of 811