This fully furnished accommodation includes a bed, mattress, desk and chair for sudents. The property also includes a fridge, microwave and freezer, offering unlimited wifi, with water, electricity and maintainence included in the price. Campus transportation is also provided twice a day for your added convenience.
The property is conveniently located with access to public transport, shopping malls, movie cinema's, churches, gym's parks, and libraries.
ONLY room for 6 girl students.
Prices start from R6000.
Bedrooms 3
Security Yes
Bathrooms 2.5
Recep. Rooms 2
Study 3
Floor Size 300m²
Garages 2
Land Size 1,000m²
Carports/Parkings 6
Monthly Rates R1.00
Monthly Levy R1.00
24 Hour Response 24 Hour Access Accommodation Alarm System Basin Bath, Toilet and Basin Built in Wardrobes Fridge